

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Monday 20 May 2013

Is Just A Bad Day Not LIFE and it will never be a Bad Life.

Inhale, Exhale, Inhale & Exhale.
Alright! I'm here back in action to my blog. Have been neglected my blog for like super long. Due to what ? Being working 24/7 for the past half year. Really ? even thou till now. I can't see any big changes but the only thing I could see and know is I've grow up more than I become from the past. Everything and everyone just change in a seconds, include your life. Yes I mean Life. Your life just be gone in this world in a seconds. Who knows right ? Life's short! How i've become ? What i've become ? A lot of question in my mind. Never stop questioning and answer. Am I the only one who worry bout life every 24/7 ? Like seriously. I can't even stop my brain from thinking.
I'm updating my blog now is because i'm too tired bout myself. just tired. simple as that. I realize when I'm actually updating my blog is when I'm over joy or sad ? aww. no. more to emotional post I have here. sorry readers.

Have you guys ever been tired of everything ? Like now. I'm actually tired of keep on typing of what I'm tired about. I'm tired bout this, I'm tired bout that. I'm tired of crying when nobody cares. I'm tired of all hardworking and being doubt. I'm tired of working non-stop. I'm tired of earning money that family never get enough. I'm tired of worrying everyday. I'm tired from family. I'm tired from thinking bout how to get this and get that for home. I'm tired. I'm tired for being me. I'm tired from everything and everyone. I'm tired for being tired.
Yes yes yes! I know some people out there are having life that more tough than me. I know some don't even get to eat. I know I should be glad that I have this awesome life with hands that can move, leg that can walk, eye that can see, nose that can smell, this and that all functional. I know some are this and that more even worst x10 than me. But can't I just have my own life ? Or can't I just be a better me ?

Everybody need somebody. So do I. No one ever be there for me. Really no one. I don't need those someone who say will be there for me but when I really need someone. I can't even see that person shadow. I doubt those people who say that they loves me. I doubt that. I doubt that. Other than my parents. But sometimes people just take me for granted. Like really. Including my parents. Yes. sometimes I just wanna tell my parents that her daughter wasn't that strong as they thought. Yes I will try my best to settle every single thing in house. But just please don't take me for granted. I'm just a normal little girl. I'm not an Iron lady or Iron Man. I'm just human.

Is just a Bad Day never a Bad Life to me. Never.
Rumors has it all. I'm that type of person who don't even care bout rumors. Say what you wanna say or say whatever you can say. judge me all the way you can haters. But sometimes do you know that just because of your mouth and you could make that person life miserable and lifeless ? Is not that person aren't strong of facing all these thing. But can you imagine eventually people are tired. Imagine that is still fine if one or ten people say something bad bout you. What if there's hundred or thousand or maybe even worst more that that? You happy bout that haters ? Saying someone fat won't make you look thinner. saying someone poor won't make you become any richer. as in like imagine saying a cancer patient look ugly when people is actually fighting from sickness ? Whether that person is a prostitute or a gigolo is really none of your business people. Really non of your business. Why are you so free to keep on judge or bother bout people's life. You don't have any better things to do ? really ? I'm saying this because I've see too much thing have happened lately. People nowadays living in this world have nothing better to do. Really ! Even thou your life is over in this world but your name and story never end. Wish my beloved bro to be better in Heaven and ignore the things that happen now here. Pray for a better future and Life. Pray for the strength that God give to me and everyone. Never ever give up yourself when the world does. Just keep on moving. Believe in yourself and God. Learn to love yourself more. No one deserve to get a bad thing in life. I will be fine. soon. I promise.

Friday 8 March 2013

Relationship Rules of Mine. =3

Silly enough to thought He's the One and now I'm broken into pieces.
Love hurts ? No . Feeling of mine is sucks! Shouldn't have fall from the start.
Please make it clear.

Not with that look I fall on but with the kind of attitude.

Someone like this. You deserve it.
Don't care what your past is. As long as you know what you're doing now.

Being too strong lately. Turns out my eye like goldfish! -.-

Thanks for all of that.
Never allow this to happen!

Thanks for not telling. Thanks.

The only reason I still believe. My parents.

You show me the real Man. But now ?!

Into pieces...

I wanna know how much more I can face.

Yes. A little harder every single day. But eventually ... </3

I will. I will be!

Not crazy enough to stand for this shits? Really ?

You're not taken. But you wanted. So I move on.

Yes it is! The Better Me.

Soon. Soon. Enough.

Wish you were the one.

Totally. But what can I do now ?


My heart still holding for that little hope.


Its hurts not from them. But from them by you.

Thanks for all your kindness.


Be alert.



Someone or No One.

Don't waste your time.

Stay away. Just go away.

Your choice. Your decision.

Loyalty nowadays. You giveafuck?

Be Single than Sorry.

Stay Faithful or Stay Single.
Wash away all those memories you left. Click the button ? ENTER ?
也許我太過天真 以為奇蹟會發生

Sunday 3 March 2013

Mood ?

Am totally fine. till this!


ughhh! somebody save me ! :(