

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Friday 28 September 2012

Those words that Kills YOU !

Something true that we need to know and understand.

*Something Bout Love Life ♥
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for ? Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for ? When they know they're your heart and you know you were their armour and you will destroy anyone who would try to harm him/her. 
This is what I wanted too live in. Isn't it this something bout true love ? Blame the society out there or blame yourself who force yourself to fit the society out there ? Who da hell said you must follow the trend out there ? Aren't you people just being selfish for making love relationship become like a total mess and untrustable ?! Now blame who ? :) 
Leave them alone. Whether that person is happy or not. Always stand at the other side. What if you're the one that get hurt. Think about it. Think about other people.
When I get upset, I shut down. I feel like I should be crying or screaming or something but I can't because I'm turned off. I go silent and don't talk very much. I just sit there and think.

Keep walking round and round and never met the edge!

*Someting Bout LIFE

We live in a world full of hopes and dreams, being taught as kids we can do whatever we want, and the sky is the limit. As we grow older we lose those dreams, we get caught up in our fast paced life, and just move on. Before we know it, in the blink of an eye, its all over. We as humans were given one shot to live, to accomplish everything and anything in such a short period of time, yet we sit at home on the computer or getting wasted to balance out all of life's hardships. I'm scared out of my mind to see where life is going to take me in the next 5 years, everything moved so fast we forget to stop once in a while to appreciate the little things, the things that make us happy. Dreams shouldn't be forgotten, and since were all still young, we need to realize that we should always follow our dreams, along with doing what makes us happy, because the true key to sucess comes from happiness. Screw what people say and live for you, no regrets. don't look back, just LIVE !
I'm tired. Not the kind of tired where you sleep it off, but emotionally, physically, and mentally tired. The kind of tired where you feel like you're growing up so fast and still having to deal with all the problems you feel like no one will understand. That happy, nor sad, but just mentally not there. This is the kind tired that can't fix with a quick nap.    

I try to run from reality sometimes. Just wanna to run to no where and get tired eventually.

Just don't tell me and shut it up !

 Indeed, even though the prolem doesn't solve but at least the problem will be gone.

No matter how you complain bout your life. Remember. Someone out there is much suffer than you!
Everything in words nor quote. Something bout love and life. A single person doesn't mean she don't know anything about love. Is just that she have seen all those shits happen before and she know how does it feels. She would rather choose to be alone than to get involve in someone's life. To be in relationship is an full time job. If you're not ready. Never apply for it. Either you get hurt or you hurt the another person. Remember. Life is too short for you to regret a single thing. Stop looking back bout the past of what you've been through. Look forward ! You want something you never get ? Do something that you never did then. If you've try your best for it and it dosen't come to your way. Stop it then. I know some people have the spirit of never give up. But hey, how long does it counted to you is long enough? One month. One year. Two year. How about Ten years. C'mon. Life it definately too short for you to do the same thing repeatly. There's still lots of fishes in the pond, just don't mess with the one that's taken. Then you'll be perfectly happy for your own life and the other's life!

Monday 24 September 2012

Emo nemo attack !

Out of sight and mind.
Le mood exactly like the weather today. Depressed all the day out of sudden. :c

Le bestie ask what's going on with me. Im exactly fine. But le mood in heart and mind is so mixed up!

If the moment still exits. I do have. I admit. 

Yesh ! Is not bout the movie or fairy tales that I believe true love still exits. Is when I see the way daddy treat mummy and that make me feel so much happiness. Daddy always show me how to be a good papa and husband. Is so sad to say that I can't see the true love between grandpa and grandma due to le didn't get the chance to meet them in life. only le daddy father that I get to know when I was a kid but he's in heaven. Always get jealous when people out there is holding their grandpa and grandma hand while crossing the road or shopping. :')

Am really lucky to be my parents baby girl.
le sighhhh.. 

Just sometimes. sometimes imma too tired to tell the people out there what le feeling just rather with a smile and it will be done. 

Not much that I hope to get. Just some tight huggies and cute kisses will be fine. 

I believe in this. I don't meet the people with accident. People who came in my life with some reason. Some are real some are fake. You just have to accept. 

Too much or over will be a bit gay isn't it ? But le always like to see those guys eyes with some tears drop and that make me felt all inside. You don't have to cry like a little boy to show how much you are hurt in there. Just some tears that dripping out will say everything. Indeed with the good attitude and smile with tears in eye and walk away. much love! c:

Who da hell don't wish to ?! 

If only you remembered. 

Guys who love kids and their family! Definately my loveeee!

Sometimes all you need is just this. SEX is not all about! 

Fcuk all those sick feeling sometimes. You're freaking emo nemo attack and you have to find something to cheer yourself up like a stupid retard people at there. Smile at le lappie like nobody business or watching mv and cry like a little baby. FUCK YOU ! 

If only I could go out and shop like a King's daughter without looking at that bloody price tag anymore and walk every where with le beautiful smile and with the damn confident and fcuking drive my own car like a boss and my life would be so much better. xoxo

Ended up ?! Okay that was just a dream for me. FCUK MYSELF and go back to sleep!