

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Thursday 11 October 2012

Its does affected me !

I protect my parents. No matter what's happening just like how they protect me like always. But indeed sometimes I felt like giving up my life. Just don't know why. kinda emotional lately and being miserable bout my own life. Totally lost direction of what my life is doing, don't know what's the purpose of living in this cruel society sometimes. I'm not like saying am going to commit suicide or do something stupid. But hey I just wanna say the girl who seems so strong in everything bout her families and be there whenever her friend needed her. She break down sometimes. Just sometimes i wanna get a sweet escape but the fact I can't. Will everything come to my way if I never give up ? Will everything be alright. Daddy mummy your daughter are not that strong sometimes. She could be as tough at outside just to not let you guys worries but eventually she don't know how to be weak anymore. She lost sometimes. 

The someone who really care me like a princess I guess other than my beloved King and Queen and le ladies bestie I guess no one will really give a shit bout me. The guys who always said they care me. Yaya! Talk to my hand guys, stop bull shitting! I'm not like the 15 year old virgin girl! Go and fuck yourself please! Don't tell me how much you care bout me or whatever thing you've did for me and just ruined my reputation out there because of some jerk guys like you with the mouth full of shit and start talking bad about the girl out there. Just fucking prove it IF I REALLY DID THOSE THING! Action means everything SIR! piece of shit sometimes. UGHHH! GET A LIFE DUDE! 

Le sighhhss. 
Seriously God. Do you really have to give people out there all those challenge. 
Huge sighness! Kinda sick of relationship out there. People are getting greedy at stuffs is okay, but now is like a guy could dated two girl at the same time, so does the girl nowadays. C'mon do you people really need to be so greedy and steal other people happiness ?! One heart are meant for one person that you really care and love. Is not like having a spare tyre. One break down and you bring out the spare tyre, Indeed for the people out there who is being someone spare tyre aka the third person in a relationship. Let me tell you, a spare tyre forever is the tyre that just meant to keep and for emergency used only. Once the owner get to re-new the tyre you're still gonna be abandon. C'mon if that owner wanna make you the first priority eventually he/she will. Is not like so hard for making a decision. Yes means Yes and No means No, aren't that this was thought during kindergarten. Grow up people. Go for what you really want. "Orang yang tamak selalu rugi" remember this ? 

Indeed ! Fuck You, You and You !