

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Monday 31 December 2012

Firework.Scream.Shout New Year is Here.

 BOOM a cheerful sound ! 
I bet tonight we all will be hearing the sound of this., which is all related to:
 Firework.Car Horn.Scream.Shout.
 Yours truly,
Miss J. The Virgolady.
What Year it will be in 2013 ?
What are you guys going to do tonight ? 
How do you guys going to celebrate this special day which is related to everyone ?

 *Ignore my fats pls* 
Can't wait to see nor feel the feeling and atmosphere everyone is having tonight. 
Are you guys getting excited and happy ? Well I am. Just can't wait.
Anyone ? aww shy. 

 Here's it. muahh to Lovely Everyone.
Forgive and Forget.
Remember this date 21/12/2012
Everyone, mostly everyone is talking bout doomsday. Indeed some people are so worrying about it. Have you ever wonder if it's really happen and you have no chance to do what you really want to?
Now since today is 31/12/2012 which means it has already past ten days ago. Aren't that we should be glad and thank our beloved God for still let us to survive and see how beautiful the world is ? Never blame anyone if something bad had happend. Never take people for granted.
Life's too short. Love the people around Us. 
Last but not least be Thankful & Grateful.
 Ignore all those bullshit and ?

Smile like you never get Hurt before ! 
xoxo Love ma Double F.
Families & Friends
Happy New Year in Advance. Rock Yo 2013.  

Monday 24 December 2012

It's X-mas Eve ♥

A beautiful night for everyone. 
 I've bet no matter where we are heading to, there're all over places with the lighting decorations. 
The mall. The street. The house. The CHURCH ! 
Some people in other country are enjoy-ing the snow ~
 as clean as pure in white.
Have you guys ever feel the real snow before ?
I still remember when I was a kid, I'd always open the upper door of the fridge and start to used the tip of my finger and scratch the inner side of the fridge and get some soft ice and start playing with it and throwing up as high as possible. maybe one day I could feel the real snow. :)
 What are you guys planning tonight ?
Dinner ? Reunion ? Party ? Count down ?
 A dinner with love one ?
 A dinner with the whole family and long lost relatives ?
 Expecting to receive any special X-mas present from someone special or exchanging present with buddies and family ?
After tonight. 
Everyone is counting down the next 7 days for a brand new year. 
2012 is going to end in a week time. Excited everyone ?
 Wondering how you guys are going to celebrate.
All you people want for Christmas is what ? Him/Her ? This/That ?
Just to share how am I going to celebrate tonight, well after this post am going to get well dress up.
I bet you people must be thinking I get to count down with love one or maybe a X-mas dinner with family or a party celebration with buddies. No doubt. Through the pic that people tag me at facebie 10 out of 5 are with alcohol. Get used to it people. People still judge by what they see not what they know. Ikr. For sure I will be celebrating though. Guess what. I will be celebrating while working. Yesh. I'm working on a X-mas eve and also the real day, which is 25/12/2012 I will be working from day till night. wide smile ! =D
Ikr. Tonight is the most beautiful time. Because there's a mother gave birth to the special one. Which is JESUS ! Happyyy Birthdayyyyy ! In this special day, I know everyone will have a small little wish to get something. But the only thing I want is a peaceful family. YES ! I want a happy and peaceful family. Simple as that. Nothing more I could wish for. Eventually this girl is tired for the only one who support the whole family while it make me feel that everything I do, people just take me for granted. Okay! Screw all those negative thingyyy. Positive positive. Wishing everyone

 Happpyyy Merrrryyyy Christmas Peopleeee ! ♥♥♥

Tuesday 27 November 2012

You Grow . We grow. They O.L.D

We all growing up everyday.

{Make sure you watch the video before you start reading}
Every single day we're growing, but we didn't realize that our parents is getting old.
Look at their face with wrinkles, look at their hair with the color changing from black to grey and white is coming soon. Do you feel the same way like me after watching the short clip up there ? How do you feel ? I have no words to describe but just cry out loud like a kids at le working place. How great to have my parents with me. I'm glad, really glad that our beloved God let me be thier baby girl. 
Apprciate the moment to be with them.
Even though you have girlfie or boyfie, wife or husband or even children but there is 7days a week. So there's no such an excuse for saying you're busy all the time. Indeed ya right, you don't just have s-e-x every 24/7 right ? If yes. Man you need to have a medical check-up soon. :)
Life's definately too short. Really tooo short for you to regret a single thing.
Time never wait for anyone. Do something for them before its too late. In this world you only have One Mum & One Dad they will be leaving to other place one day, you wouldn't know when the day and time gonna arrive right. Love your parents more!
 Absolutely. Don't judge. Just don't judge. Even though people out there might say bad things about you or do something bad to you. Just let it be and leave. You can't take it as a reason to hurt someone. KARMA exits. Believe in that. Don't let the word revenge stay with you. Let the word Trust to be in you. Forget what past hurts you but never forget what it taught you. Grow up and live with it.

I finally. Like seriously finally understand what does this word really mean.
I'd always read an quote and it wrote there silence is the girl loudest cry. It never made my curiousity to found out what does it really mean. Guess I never been this way nor feels this way before. Till recently, I have total lost my mood when i'm all alone. My brain keep spinning, but I wasn't really thinking. Not even a tears that flow down from my eyes.
Don't ask me what happen when I'm in silence mode.
Just sometimes I wish to shut myself up. If I have problem that if I tell you I will feel better I will let you know. Don't worry. But sometimes when I share it out and it make me more hard on myself then what's the point of i'm sharing ? Do you know the feeling when you share something to a person who meant to you and ended up they give you a shit reaction and that eventually break me down okay.
This speak it all about me.
& I know no one will be ever be there for me. No one.
Not counted my parents, cause I always wouldn't let them know how hard I'm facing. Cause the things that they've been through is more worst than what i'm facing. But eventually. No one is always, like never a person always be there for me. People that meant to me only remember me when they need me to do something. Wrong ? Think again why you want me to be there at the first place ? ;)
& Eventually as long as I have a healthy body and everything go smooth with my family and work, I seriously no need anyone to survive. Don't tell me bout boyfie thingy. I can live on my own. Handle my thing on my own. I no need a person who only need me when they want me to do something or be there for them. Where are you when i'm freaking lost my control and emotion when i'm about to give up my life and I say fuck it. I could live better than do this stupid thing and hurt my parents.  
Especially for the ladies.
Do Value yourself don't act cheap. Even prostitute have a price.
Dear girls, if a guy go over to you and don't respect you. Please stay awake and leave. Not all guy are bad but some is worst than bad. If he wouldn't know how to respect you for now. He won't able to respect you in the future. But hey girl. Do you know that some bitch out there is the one who play all over the good guy ? Guess what don't judge !

Never take people for granted.
No matter how much they love you. Eventually people get tired.
Indeed my heart beat fast whenever I see him.
Damn can I just get over with him. The moment when I calm myself down I think back the word he said and text me and seriously I wish I could turn back time. I want to be the one that he tell the world that I'm his girl. :(

Life is amazing when you know who is true to you.
Something left unspoken in there.

Stupid enough.
Just leave me alone won't you. If you aren't going to stay.
if you know exactly how it feel.

Monday 12 November 2012

The outside

The Outside !

The more we grow up the more reality you will found out from the outside. 

  As I grow till the age of now as the thing i've seen and those faces. Is never as easy and kind when we were like a kids in those old times. The more you know the more you grow . You assume that not everyone around you can be trusted. Not even any single one sometimes but only yourself and GOD. Don't just used your ear to hear or your eye to see and start to judge but felt it from your heart and realize no one is perfect not you or me either.
 Some people have been through so much till they could barely know the real of themself and being plastic like faker all the time. Seriously do you really have to be this way ? Aren't you get tired ? I guess they will answer i'm used to it and sadly to know what is right or wrong anymore. But just a second. Have you ever thought of being true bout yourself. Is better for people say you're real than people just say oh ya. she's fake ! Think about it.

 Never ever make this word represent yourself. Learn to love yourself more than other people do. No one know the best in you other than yourself. Never throw your own life nor happiness in other's hand. You're the one who in charge for that. Never blame people for anything cause you're the one who agree from the start. Learn to say No sometimes. 

 Teenage girl who need all this stuff. Really ? Do you really need that ? One more question. Do you get it by yourself ? You need this because other's have it, isn't it ? Barely could say is not by your own money isn't it ? Opps! you go girl ! 
 Grow up and be the real lady. Buy whatever you need by your own bloody cash. No offence but if you get the things you like, by your own. You will be more happy and appreciate that stuff. So work hard. What goes around come back around.

 and guess what. I was perfectly wanted to sleep like now! rush back home and just lay down on my bed and with the accompanied by all my pillow and bear. shut everything off! Just SLEEPPPPP !!!

Mind was perfectly find and clear right now. Just wanted to rest and ready to face The World for a better future. Indeed My WORLD I LOVE YOUUUUU ! You rockx !

At the young of me. Definately I could handle my thing by my own. The more I see couples I thought I might need someone but till the moment they lie to each other and argue I was like Bullshit! I only need my parents and all those bestie babe be there to share thoughts and I guess I will be perfectly fine! I no need sommeone to burden with.

Always bare in mind! Never be in relationship when you're lonely. be in when you're ready ! Cause its always a full time job to have a partner. Be a lifetime not a part time !
Be proud to be single. Smile like this every little time. It makes you feel better ! So why not ? Just :)

Thursday 11 October 2012

Its does affected me !

I protect my parents. No matter what's happening just like how they protect me like always. But indeed sometimes I felt like giving up my life. Just don't know why. kinda emotional lately and being miserable bout my own life. Totally lost direction of what my life is doing, don't know what's the purpose of living in this cruel society sometimes. I'm not like saying am going to commit suicide or do something stupid. But hey I just wanna say the girl who seems so strong in everything bout her families and be there whenever her friend needed her. She break down sometimes. Just sometimes i wanna get a sweet escape but the fact I can't. Will everything come to my way if I never give up ? Will everything be alright. Daddy mummy your daughter are not that strong sometimes. She could be as tough at outside just to not let you guys worries but eventually she don't know how to be weak anymore. She lost sometimes. 

The someone who really care me like a princess I guess other than my beloved King and Queen and le ladies bestie I guess no one will really give a shit bout me. The guys who always said they care me. Yaya! Talk to my hand guys, stop bull shitting! I'm not like the 15 year old virgin girl! Go and fuck yourself please! Don't tell me how much you care bout me or whatever thing you've did for me and just ruined my reputation out there because of some jerk guys like you with the mouth full of shit and start talking bad about the girl out there. Just fucking prove it IF I REALLY DID THOSE THING! Action means everything SIR! piece of shit sometimes. UGHHH! GET A LIFE DUDE! 

Le sighhhss. 
Seriously God. Do you really have to give people out there all those challenge. 
Huge sighness! Kinda sick of relationship out there. People are getting greedy at stuffs is okay, but now is like a guy could dated two girl at the same time, so does the girl nowadays. C'mon do you people really need to be so greedy and steal other people happiness ?! One heart are meant for one person that you really care and love. Is not like having a spare tyre. One break down and you bring out the spare tyre, Indeed for the people out there who is being someone spare tyre aka the third person in a relationship. Let me tell you, a spare tyre forever is the tyre that just meant to keep and for emergency used only. Once the owner get to re-new the tyre you're still gonna be abandon. C'mon if that owner wanna make you the first priority eventually he/she will. Is not like so hard for making a decision. Yes means Yes and No means No, aren't that this was thought during kindergarten. Grow up people. Go for what you really want. "Orang yang tamak selalu rugi" remember this ? 

Indeed ! Fuck You, You and You !

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Single or Make it Double !

Say it to me and maybe I'm yours! ♥

Guess lots of people who really know who am I when I talk bout relationship. Bestie always said that am the 90's teenage who's still living in the thought of the 90's people which they will called me an old fashion minded lady. I'm the type that accept what had happen bout the people around me. No matter how they treat their relationship in what kind of way. I accept everything simply because that's the decision what people has made and that's exactly what they wanted at that moment. But when its happen on me. I always thought that perhaps fairytales still exist. Where else the Princess will meet her Prince Charming someday. Maybe ? YES/NO.
Yet am smiling and remembered the moment once he step in my life. I've missed the chance previously indeed I hope that this time he would stay there for me. Maybe.

Say it to me and I will be there for you. Perhaps am waiting. Maybe.

I just wanna to be by your side. Simply just lay down on the bed with you and I know you have lots of stories that you'd kept inside your heart which has make you over stressed and i'm here to say baby im here for you. I might can't helps you anything but I could be a good listener and be there for you.

& I know you will just accept me for who I am cause you're simply so kind to me.

I really want a real relationship like this with YOU!

I guess i've fall for who you're. and I'm starting to care too much bout you. Like every single words you said and every single you do when you're with me.

Wanting that someone special like you baby boy!