

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Monday 28 January 2013

Old couple make me believe where real love still exits!

Old couple is the True Love !

 Before starting today's post. Here's a link below.
If you're too free or have nothing better to do. Grab a popcorn or drinks and sit down infront of your computer and watch the movie. Is a movie that Bruce Willis acted in 1998 and like so obvious I just watched it just now. Okay i'm outdated. -.- but believe me. Is a great movie after all. Daddy King !


Old couple is the True Love!

Alright. You guys might not focus on the heading up there. So ya a mini sub-heading on top.
Oh well, let's start here. Something that everyone wants one. Probably you might ask like what is it ? Money? Car ? House ? Branded stuff ?
Nope. Is not a material. Is a Life, Is a Human. Like a lifetime partner.
Just to talk about this topic, cause I know right. Valentine day is like so near! 14 Feb 2013!
Well well well. I know relationship is not that easy to maintain. cause probably some people will make it become relationshit! isn't it ? LOL !
But look at the picture up there with the word Eternity.
I guess this is the way how our parents and the old couple hold onto it. ps: prepared for a long reading. ;p

Old couple that still going out together all the time. 
But why is it youngster nowadys make it so hard for a relationship? To be frank to me a relationship that not even last for 3 months is bullshit!
No offence, cause is to me. okay make it fair. Well at least you guys met up like 30 times to get more into each other ?
That's why. I always say that, I never being a relationship before. Like seriously! Don't Judge me. 

 Guy! Better be ready to get some flower. 
Don't ever believe when a girl say : don't get me flower! Is a waste of money! Trust me we girls are a real bitch! Most of the time we all say word in another way round. Ya i know that. Is so sick! Why can't girls just say it to the point that she want it?! Because we girls have no idea too! Hahahahaha ! Nah. Is just that we girls wanna make sure that when she say a no in a right thing she hope for that guy to do. but no for a wrong thing. Guy! You better watchout!
That's your girl! ;)

Okay I put this picture cause it make me think of my parents. My Daddy King always do this to my Mama Queen. Its cute right ?! I always smile whenever Daddy King do this to Mama Queen. Just always wondering in heart and mind. When will I find this kind of Man ? Ya probably in my dream thou. :/

sometimes your man is not that strong as you thought. always be there for him too,
not necessary have to be the girl who need the guy all the time.
the guy eventually become baby boy too. :)
ya right. guy make mistake sometimes. we make mistakes too. no one perfect thou.
just to prove how strong the love is try to forgive him if you can. cause the decision and happiness is in your own hand.
no one have the right to choose for you!

But guy! Remember always appreciate her no matter what. Never let her go. Never let her lost your trust.
Prove to her that you're the one with action not words.
Text and messages can be deleted anytime other than you give her the best memory to capture!

Every girl in this world love suprises!
So instead of suprise her in a bad thing. Suprise her with the Ring!
Some people out there thought this and that about me. Well at least you guys care about me not judging me. Like what I've heard lately. Duh! She party so hard this and that. Some more she work two job in a day. Ya people talks about me. But i'm fine. As you know we girls like to gossip all the time.
Just go ahead keep guessing about me. Cause I know the real one that know me will ask instead of guess. ;)

Hand in hand till OLD!  Is quite hard nowadys. WHY ?
One main thing I don't like about relationship nowadays is TRUST! A lot of them lost trust in their relationship.
You know what I mean thou.will talk bout this soon.

By the way. This prove it all. The real couple that meant to be! 

Thursday 24 January 2013

#Life #Quote

Evening readers! ♥

Some thoughts of mine would like to share. Since i'm kinda free at le working place.
oops! bet my boss didn't notice this post. Aite! while hearing sentimental love song that make me feel so relax.
Let's start! 
The first #QUOTE !
Yes! It is. Just so true. You have to do your best just to please yourself not the others. Just to please your own life to be Happy! Yes life is not easy, everyone knows that. That's why its spell in L.I.F.E 'Living Isn't Fucking Easy'. Living isn't easy. Holding on its hard. Never give up its sucks. But hey, if everything come in an easy way then that's no point of living anymore. Isn't it ? Imagine your mum giving birth to you and there's no pain at all indeed there's no suffering in the 9 months and your parents just fuck to get you. Then what for they raised you up ? Think about it. How parents are important to us. One day you might be one too. Appreaciate everything everyone. Yes! APPREACIATE. remember this word. When you about giving up your own life. Some people are fighting for one last breath. Just a No is easy. But a Yes I can make it then prove it. Don't make empty promised to yourself. When you get the thing you fight for so long. Trust me. Best feeling ever! :D
In Life. One Criticize beat down 10 Compliments.True enough. Listen! Cause we human have feeling indeed animals too. Be fair enough to treat eveyone. When people judge you, shake you, say all the bad thing or do all the bad thing to you, the only thing you can do is leave this kind of person. don't let this kind of people break you down. Its not worth it at all. Don't revenge. Is a waste of energy! Save your time for someone who's worth it all. Like Daddy Mummy ? =D
Girls or Guys. Same thing. Human too.
You wouldn't know what's going to happen the next day. Appreciate it before it's too late. Someone who's going to stay real and true to you. I'm gonna go for it! Fight for your own hapinnes.
#Go Wild #Go Crazy #Go Love #Go Live #Go Life. ♥
The only person I rely on. MYSELF !
Never assume that someone will be there for you like forever! Cause that person might leave one day. Never throw your own responsibility to the others. Do whatever you can when you still able to make it at this time. this hour. this second. this moment. enjoy it. feel it. :)
I've seen way too many relationship die. But! I still see many one who fight hard on it.
We all been hurt before but if we treat every potential relationship like the last one you had. Is bound to fail. Can't be faithful then just go single. Don't cheat. Just go. Love yourself before someone turns to love you. Want a better partner? Be the better one first! <3

Monday 21 January 2013

Something wrong bout this seriously.

Just something bout love that I would want to blog about it.
Something getting wrong with this world or the people ?

In 2013
A 25yr old Guy dating with a 13yr old Girl.

Zhang Mu Yi & Akama Miki
My first expression bout this news was like this :
Ikr. Is way too young isn't it ? 
Here's the link. watch it & listen! 
Alright. Readers. I'm actually quite outdated bout this news. Is actually happend in 2012 or even earlier in 2011. Thanks to facebook friend that posted a link bout their MV thats actually get my attention. Well is actually a news that a K-pop singer Zhang Mu Yi from china who's 25yr old this year and he is dating with a canadian mixed girl model Akama Miki who's 13yr old in 2013.
After watching the video up there, is like they've been dating since the girl was 11. Yes 11 year old little girl.
Well right. Is kinda schocked actually, like what on earth is happening nowadays.
Before the news going on, here are some picture of them.
Akama Miki

Zhang Mu Yi & Akama Miki

During video shooting & recording.
Search youtube for some of their MV look sweet thou.
Her height : 150cm / Her weight : 28kg
Ikr she's not short and she's way too light. why? I bet she still have left out something to grow.

I might be mean. But hey ! You know what ?Because I care. Because the way I looked at her is like my little niece. It's because her age is just one year younger than her which means she's 12yr old this year. I couldn't imagine that she's going to tell me that she's actually having a relationship with a guy who's 12 year older than her. Yeah right. Imagine if my boyfriend is the same age as her boyfriend does? Indeed i'm 20 this year.

Yes both of them look cute together or even sweeter than the couple out there. 
But There's always a BUT ! 
Isn't it that a 12/13 year old girl should be worrying bout their UPSR instead of LOVE ? Fine! We might don't care about the study life, due to some youngster just don't give a shit bout their studies.
Does Love mean everything and you have to be so selfish and ignore the world. I know, love is like something pure and is something which is related to the both parties. But how is your parents gonna feel ? Alright ignore this also, due to some people don't give a shit about their parents or the world too.
Indeed ! Shouldn't a young girl at this age should be suffer the pain of cramp in the tummy due to period pain instead of the heartache? Like reallyyyy ??!
But wait ! For sure everyone care bout their own life. Yes your own life. Do a young girl at this age know what's love actually is ? Alright pardon me. do they even know what SEX is ? Ya right. I know school teached us this kind of topic during form 3 which is 15yr old in Science Subject. But she's just 13 now!
Alright don't just put those pressure to the girl. What about the guy. He said he could wait till she's old enough to have the real kiss. Like hey. do you people even know when is the exact age to have a real kiss? Like 15 or 20 or 21 ? Damn so much girl gonna be so shit about this. Indeed the guy said. He's going to wait untill she's 16yr old and marry her. Like seriously?! You guys can't be sure bout that don't you ? Like waiting few more years without having sexual intercourse when this guy is an adult! Damn ! Talk to ma hand ! Promised don't come easy man!  

Damn! this matter really get on my nerve. Well I guess both of them should be facing more challenge than us.
Due to one is singer and another one is model. We just can't judge so much.
All the best to them & God Bless!

Monday 14 January 2013

Appreciate every single one & every little thing.

Life Is A Gift

Today before you think of saying an unkind word–
think of someone who can’t speak.

Before you complain about the taste of your food–
think of someone who has nothing to eat.

Before you complain about your husband or wife–
think of someone who is crying out to God for acompanion.

Today before you complain about life–
think of someone who went too early to heaven.

Before you complain about your children–
think of someone who desires children but they’re barren.

Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn’t clean or sweep–
think of the people who are living in the streets.

Before whining about the distance you drive–
think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet.

And when you are tired and complain about your job–
think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.

But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another–
remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker.

And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down–
put a smile on your face and thank God you’re alive and still around.

Life is a gift – Live it, Enjoy it, Celebrate it, and Fulfill it

Monday 7 January 2013

2013 resolution of mine !

 Greeting out loud for the 2013 ! Thanks God for not letting the world end in 2012. 
Because people out there are just too awesome, especially our beloved God! Once again, thanks for keep giving us chances to make ourselves with a better life. 
 So let's have something to be done before 2014 is here. ;p

The only Queen King of mine.
Get more time to spent with them.Treat them more with good food.Scold them less.Earn more for them.
Basically am working like a bee's recently, so I have very less time to be with them. No money, no honey. Me is no money,no rental. no rental, no house. So yea, promise will bring them out for a great food so will earn more and treat them more good. Indeed I will try to scold them less. Ikr, I scold my parents. But hey you. Don't Judge Me. Cause i'm like the main supporter in my family. I'm not like taking this as a chance to be a miss behave bad daughter. Well I no need to explain here cause You don't know me. :p

Bitchy Bitch of Mine 
Laugh more with her. Get more sweet escape together.12years relationship keep counting.Won't let any jerks hurts her. If yes. Imma gonna kick his butt!
Extremely overloaded history I have with her. Never Judge her I tell you! 
She's a crazy bitch. She get emotional so easily. She cry like a baby girl once the tap is on! 

Minnie meow the skinny vampire of mine.
 Never gonna gain weight together with her. 10 years relationship keep counting.
LOL ! Ikr bet you guys are laughing. The only thing I wish was never gonna gain weight together with her. She could eat like a boss but never ever gain weight till 40kg. Always like forever with the start of 3*kg. But people dont jelly bout her weight, you just don't know how hard she try to gain her weight. ;p

The question asker aka Da Jie of mine
Treat me well than a real sister do.Stay sweet with the A & hope one day he's my real Jie Fu !

 Yes. I'm fcuking 20 years old now and I have no license. FML.TTM
Pleaseee Pleaseee Begging. Let me get it done by this year. *cross finger*

Too good to be true. Reality out there. 
If I was thinner I could get more extra job with higher pay. *down

Look like a hippo me gonna keep running and chase the Unicorn! 
Never Give Up Joline Tan !

Eat More Healthy Food.
Do you know that how much I hate veggie ? I know veggie is good food for health and this and that. But I just don't like it. As in like hate it! Just a little in my plate, for sure I will throw it away. How pathetic I am and this being following me since I was a baby till the 2012 middle. Guess what. Now i could have my meal full with veggie and have fruits everyday. Keep going spirit! :)

Spend more time on exercise and sweat like a boss. Instead of going club and dress in a tight dress with face full of make up and sweating like a bitch. LOL !

Keep being strong and face everything. 

Save more money and get something useful for myself. Yes ! Till now I never get myself a branded sport shoe which is what I want since like 15. Ikr! Im poor that's why. This shoe is like gonna cost me at least 300myr okay. Indeed recently I just could get myself the first pair of converse of mine and cost me like 145.90myr. sigh! money why are you so hard to earn ? CNY ang pao more please! =D

One of the thing! Get fucking fit! At least get a baby abs in my tummy and squat more to get my ass in shape. well at least look good in jeans or short. :/

Indeed. *finger crossed* to get extra job in singing.
Hoping for a good news! :x

Last but not least.
Like you never get hurt before. All the best people! 