

sort thoughts of mine ♥

It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but it's even harder to give up, when you know it's everything you WANT !

Don't go for the guy who sucks up to you. Go for the one who pisses you off daily basic and yet you still find yourself Crazy IN Love with HIM !

Sometimes when I say I'm okay. I want someone to look me in the eyes, hug me tight and say, "I Know You're NOT"

"Love is a great Risk. But not loving is of the greater risk - even though you may have been hurt badly before - a great love will come to you soon and you must be ready to accept it and face it"

"Forget the past and focus on the future. Stop obsessing on what you have lost and get what you need NOW"

Thursday 24 January 2013

#Life #Quote

Evening readers! ♥

Some thoughts of mine would like to share. Since i'm kinda free at le working place.
oops! bet my boss didn't notice this post. Aite! while hearing sentimental love song that make me feel so relax.
Let's start! 
The first #QUOTE !
Yes! It is. Just so true. You have to do your best just to please yourself not the others. Just to please your own life to be Happy! Yes life is not easy, everyone knows that. That's why its spell in L.I.F.E 'Living Isn't Fucking Easy'. Living isn't easy. Holding on its hard. Never give up its sucks. But hey, if everything come in an easy way then that's no point of living anymore. Isn't it ? Imagine your mum giving birth to you and there's no pain at all indeed there's no suffering in the 9 months and your parents just fuck to get you. Then what for they raised you up ? Think about it. How parents are important to us. One day you might be one too. Appreaciate everything everyone. Yes! APPREACIATE. remember this word. When you about giving up your own life. Some people are fighting for one last breath. Just a No is easy. But a Yes I can make it then prove it. Don't make empty promised to yourself. When you get the thing you fight for so long. Trust me. Best feeling ever! :D
In Life. One Criticize beat down 10 Compliments.True enough. Listen! Cause we human have feeling indeed animals too. Be fair enough to treat eveyone. When people judge you, shake you, say all the bad thing or do all the bad thing to you, the only thing you can do is leave this kind of person. don't let this kind of people break you down. Its not worth it at all. Don't revenge. Is a waste of energy! Save your time for someone who's worth it all. Like Daddy Mummy ? =D
Girls or Guys. Same thing. Human too.
You wouldn't know what's going to happen the next day. Appreciate it before it's too late. Someone who's going to stay real and true to you. I'm gonna go for it! Fight for your own hapinnes.
#Go Wild #Go Crazy #Go Love #Go Live #Go Life. ♥
The only person I rely on. MYSELF !
Never assume that someone will be there for you like forever! Cause that person might leave one day. Never throw your own responsibility to the others. Do whatever you can when you still able to make it at this time. this hour. this second. this moment. enjoy it. feel it. :)
I've seen way too many relationship die. But! I still see many one who fight hard on it.
We all been hurt before but if we treat every potential relationship like the last one you had. Is bound to fail. Can't be faithful then just go single. Don't cheat. Just go. Love yourself before someone turns to love you. Want a better partner? Be the better one first! <3